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Star Lord - Guardians of the Galaxy
Disyney / Marvel lizensierte Statue
wurde von 2014-2021 von Muckle Mannequins produziert.
Limitierte Figur lebensgroß.
Lizenzgeber | Marvel |
Type | Life-Size Figure |
Manufacurer | Muckle Mannequins |
Artists | Muckle Mannequins |
Product height | around 78'' (200 cm) | ||
Product Weight | around 158 lbs (72 KG) | ||
Box Dimensions | Box Weight | contents of Boxes | |
BOX A | 118x91x44 cm | 22 kg | |
BOX B | 124x91x48 cm | 24 kg | |
BOX C | 103x64x19 cm | 26 kg | |
Dimensional Weight | TBD | ||
Int’l Dim. Weight | TBD |
*Size and weight are approximate values.
Attention, the Box dimensions in in this List and the PDF Files maybe varie from final Box.
Please double check this with us.
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